Format input data

AniFit can load ASCII-formatted data files with the following data structures:

1) A two column data structure will be interpreted as:

Column 1: Time

Column 2: IRF

If the file contains exactly two data columns AniFit will by default interpret it as an IRF even if the file was loaded using Load -> decay.


2) A three-column data structure will be interpreted as:

Column1: Time

Column2: VV

Column3: VH


3) A four- or five-column data structure will be interpreted as:

Column1: Time (VV)

Column2: VV

Column3: Time (VH)

Column4: VH

The fifth column will not be read.


4) A six-column data structure will be interpreted as:

Column1: Time (VV)

Column2: VV

Column3: Time (VH)

Column4: VH

Column5: Time (IRF)

Column6: IRF


- If the file contains more than six columns, column data above six will not be read and the first six columns will be interpreted according to case 4) above.

- In all cases, texted headerlines are allowed in the data files.

- Data definitions can also be changed after loading the data using the 'VV<->VH' button (interchange VV and VH) and the '<-' and '->' buttons (interchanging IRF and VV-VH data):