Welcome to the announcement page
Post date: Aug 21, 2013 11:55:10 AM
A big welcome to the announcement page. Its purpose is to provide a means to stay tuned with the latest versions of the software from this site. By subscribing to the email service and/or RSS feed you will get notified when new posts are made. I sincerely hope I will find the time to post here regularly.
Stats from the first months of FluorTools.com
I decided to make a subscribableblebl (?) announcement page because the stats of the site has increased steadily since its launch in late 2012/early 2013. Here are the first modest, but motivating, stats of the site.
Downloads of current software versions
a|e 1.1: 221 downloads since June 19th (110 downloads/month)
DecayFit 1.2: 82 downloads since June 27th (45 downloads/month)
AniFit 1.2/1.1c: 20 downloads since July 1st (12 downloads/month)
FRETmatrix 1.1: 91 downloads since Nov 14th (10 downloads/month)
Site visits
Monthly site visits (January-July):
Daily visits the past month (21/7-20/8):
Total per month: 1403 visits (1066 unique visitors)
The five most visited pages:
Calculate fluorescence quantum yield (a|e documentation)
a|e - UV-Vis Spectral Software (a|e download page)
Calculate spectral overlap integral in FRET (a|e documentation)
DecayFit - Emission Decay Analysis (DecayFit download page)
Download absorption and emission spectra from online database (a|e documentation)