PhD thesis LaTeX template
This set of files provides a complete example of how to create a small book-form thesis (B5 format) with a nice and professional look. I got the original LaTeX template from a friend of mine, Jeppe Fock. Feel free to use it to get inspiration for your own work.
Download LaTeX template
- The final PhD thesis file (pdf).
- All the files and directories used to create the thesis in LaTeX.
Get started
1. If you haven't already installed TeX/LaTeX do it. For Windows operating systems download and install MiKTeX. Make sure packages are allowed to be automatically installed when needed.
2. Install a TeX editor such as WinEdt, TeXnicCenter, LyX, etc..
3. Download the above zip-file containing all the documents needed to create the thesis document.
4. Open Thesis.tex in your TeX editor and compile the document to pdf.
The figures below show excerpts of how the document is formatted: