a|e - UV-Vis-IR Spectral Software
Perform UV-Vis absorption and emission spectral analysis
Download latest version (2015.01.26):
Download a|e 2.2 for Windows 32-bit
Download a|e 2.2 for Windows 64-bit
Download a|e 2.2 for MATLAB (OS independent)
Note: The compiled versions contain a setup.exe file that may need to be approved by your browser in order to download. It's not a security risk!
- The compiled version requires MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) version 8.3 (R2014a, Win64-bit) installed. The MCR is automatically installed with the software.
- Note that a|e for MATLAB does not require any MATLAB skills.
Getting started:
- How to install and run the software.
- See common installation issues.
- Subscribe to the latest releases of the software.
- See the introduction video on how to navigate the graph window.
You can use a|e (pronounced 'a') to:
Perform spectral analysis in general: Plot, edit and analyse multiple UV-Vis absorption and emission spectra in the same window.
Correct for bad absorption baselines due to scattered light.
Decompose spectra of mixed species, e.g. for the determination of FRET efficiencies.
Access >300 reference spectra of common dyes from an included spectra library.
Create theoretical isosbestic titration curves from two components.
Quickly shift between units of wavelengths (nm), wavenumbers (cm-1) or energy (eV).
...and much more.
As of version 1.2, a|e also supports basic operations on IR-spectra.
- A convenient feature of a|e is that all operations involving multiple spectra (e.g. spectral overlap or SVD analysis) is performed independent of the wavelength grids of the individual spectra: It's ok if one spectrum is measured at 0.5 nm spacing from 200-600 nm and another with 1 nm spacing from 800-300 nm. a|e performs the operation on the overlapping region.
- a|e accepts ASCII files as input and data can be exported back to ASCII. Data can be imported directly from existing Origin projects (OriginLab Corp.). Plots can be modified and exported as high resolution figures. a|e can handle multiple figure windows in one session. a|e sessions can be saved and reopened.
- The Message board of a|e can be used as a MATLAB command window allowing the user to perform custom operations to the data and figure.
Feedback on the software
- Did the software open and run properly on your machine? Yes No
- To continue improving the software, please take the time to report bugs and suggestions back to me.
- If you have specific needs in addition to those currently provided by a|e contact me and I will see to implement it.
New in version 2.2 (2015.01.26)
New functionalities:
- Compatible with MATLAB R2014b and newer
- Allows installation in the Program Files directory.
- Sort data.
- Smooth data.
- Plot trends in multiple spectra (total intensity, peak intensity, etc.)
- Double-click to unselect all spectra.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug for integration of emission spectra.
- Fixed memory bug for Mac users
- Fixed bug for clipboard import
- Fixed bug for limits of zero-lines
New in version 2.1 (2014.04.16)
New functionalities:
- Import spectra directly from URL address.
- Quick none-selection.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug when trying to plot both spectrum and fit of mixed spectra.
- Fixed reocurring bug which resulted in inability to switch between different data types:
- fixed in adding/multiplying/dividing/subtracting spectra
- fixed in fitting Gaussians
- fixed in creating isoplot
- fixed in loading data from another session
- Fixed bug when subtracting background with multiple baselines selected
- Fixed bug when loading a session with different plot background color than current
New in version 2.0 (2014.04.01)
- Re-organized GUI and program structure to make it easier to extend.
- More graceful resizing of GUI window and GUI objects.
- Compiled application is packed into a single installation file.
- Added new logo, default settings, and usage statistics.
New functionalities:
- One-click export of figures to other applications (Ctrl+X). Supported for Windows platforms only.
- New library with >300 dye spectra
- Extract multiple single wavelength values. Thanks to Mette Jepsen, Aarhus University, for the suggestion.
- Group data (colorize listbox items)
- Add missing blue edge to emission spectra
- Quantum yield table data can be copied directly to clipboard
- Customize figure and graph windows
- More custom plotting properties: Default linetypes, widths and colors
- Added a developers menu
- Added direct link to bug report and requests
- New and improved plotting routine
- Improved baseline scatter fit tool
- Improved isosbestic plotting routine
Improved data import/export:
- Import data from Excel
- Import data directly from clipboard
- More flexible Origin import
- Copy data points to clipboard
- Export data to Excel
- Added recent files and recens sessions menus
Bug fixes:
- Fixed axis scale on figure export. Thanks to Alessio Andreoni, Arizona State University, for reporting the bug.
- Fixed bug when resizing/cutting spectra
- Fixed bug when normalizing spectra based on most intense peak
New in version 1.2 (2013.08.30)
New functionalities:
- Import data directly from Origin project (OriginLab Corp.).
- Support for IR spectra: Transmittance <-> Absorbance. Label peaks. Thanks to Amin from Sharif University, Iran, for inducing the idea.
- Import spectra from other a|e sessions.
- Merge sessions.
- Set axis titles permanently.
- Subtract minimum value from spectrum.
- Plot the original spectrum when a fitted spectrum is selected.
- The program now checks for new updates when loading the GUI.
Improvements to existing functionalities:
- Straight-line fit is more robust.
- Improved algorithm for decomposing spectra.
- Loading/saving tools remembers last saved/opened file.
- Added an integration menu tool for specifying all spectra and wavelengths.
- Added a normalization menu defining a range of spectra to normalize and their normalization wavelength.
- Trimmed the toolbar.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug when calculating spectral overlap integrals using spectra with <0.5 nm grid spacing. Thanks to Thangaraju from Paris, France, for reporting the bug.
New in version 1.1 (2013.06.19)
- Trimmed GUI for different monitors and MATLAB versions
- Improved loading and saving properties
- Added a splash screen for the MATLAB version
- Fixed a few bugs
- Improved some of the existing functionalities, such as renaming spectra.
- Added several new tools, such as creating Gaussian spectra, area normalization, and the ability to cut, expand, stretch and compress spectra
Previous versions
Download a|e 2.1 compiled, Win32
Download a|e 2.1 compiled, Win64
Download a|e 2.0 compiled, Win32
Download a|e 2.0 compiled, Win64
Download a|e 1.2 as MATLAB-App (what is this?)
Download a|e 1.2 compiled (not requiring MATLAB)
- The compiled version 1.2 requires MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) version 7.17 (R2012a, Win64-bit) installed. Download the MCR here.
- The MATLAB-App requires MATLAB R2012b or newer.
Download a|e 1.1 compiled, 64-bit (not requiring MATLAB)
- The compiled version 1.1 requires MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) version 8.0 (R2012b, Win64-bit) installed. Download the MCR here.
Download a|e 1.0 compiled, 32-bit (not requiring MATLAB)
- The compiled version 1.0 requires MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) version 8.0 (R2012b, Win32-bit) installed. Download the MCR here.