See Google Scholar for the latest publications.
Hildebrandt, L. L., Preus, S., Zhang, Z., Voigt, N. V., Gothelf, K., Birkedal, V., Single-molecule FRET analysis of the 11 discrete steps of a DNA actuator, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2014), accepted
Preus, S., Jønck, S., Pittelkow, M., Dierckx, A., Karpkird, T. M., Albinsson, B., and Wilhelmsson, L. M., The photoinduced transformation of fluorescent DNA base analogue tC triggers DNA melting, Photochem. Photobiol. Chem. (2013), 12,1416-1422
Preus, S., Kilså, K., Miannay, F. A., Albinsson, B., and Wilhelmsson, L. M., FRETmatrix: a general methodology for the simulation and analysis of FRET in nucleic acids, Nucleic Acids Res. (2013), 41, e18
Preus, S. and Wilhelmsson, L. M., Advances in Quantitative FRET-Based Methods for Studying Nucleic Acids, ChemBioChem (2012), 13, 1990-2001
Burns, J. R., Preus, S., Singleton, D. G., and Stulz, E., A DNA based five-state switch with programmed reversibility, Chem. Commun. (2012), 48, 11088-11090
Dierckx, A., Miannay, F. A., Gaied, N. B., Preus, S., Björck, M., Brown, T., and Wilhelmsson, L. M., Quadracyclic Adenine: A Non-Perturbing Fluorescent Adenine Analogue, Chem. Eur. J. (2012), 18, 5987-5997
Preus, S., Kilså, K., Wilhelmsson, L. M., and Albinsson, B., Photophysical and structural properties of the fluorescent nucleobase analogues of the tricyclic cytosine (tC) family, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2010), 12, 8881-8892
Preus, S., Börjesson, K., Kilså, K., Albinsson, B., and Wilhelmsson, L. M., Characterization of Nucleobase Analogue FRET Acceptor tC(nitro), J. Phys. Chem. B (2010), 114, 1050-1056
Börjesson, K., Preus, S., El-Sagheer, A. H., Brown, T., Albinsson, B., and Wilhelmsson, L. M., Nucleic Acid Base Analog FRET-Pair Facilitating Detailed Structural Measurements in Nucleic Acid Containing Systems, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2009), 131, 4288-4293
Shanks, D., Preus, S., Qvortrup, K., Hassenkam, T., Nielsen, M. B., and Kilså, K., Excitation energy transfer in novel acetylenic perylene diimide scaffolds, New J. Chem. (2009), 33, 507-516