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The fluorescence laboratory.
Experience and research interests
For Developers - Information on GUI Structures etc.
Fun with MATLAB
How to interact with Origin/OriginPro from within MATLAB
How to make your MATLAB application automatically check for updates
How to cite software from
How to turn off text zooming in Windows
Installing the software
Installing and running compiled MATLAB applications
Installing and running MATLAB Apps
Installing and running the programs in MATLAB
Troubleshooting: Common installation issues
Make a donation
Online feedback form
PhD thesis LaTeX template
Scientific poster templates
Step-by-step tutorial of an abstract scientific illustration
1. Create DNA molecular structure file using w3DNA
2. Position the dyes within the DNA molecule using Avogadro
3. Visualize the DNA + dyes using VMD
4. Render the molecule using POV-Ray
5. Add glare using Adobe Illustrator
6. Create glowing waves with arrowheads using Adobe Illustrator
7. Create 3D arrows with color gradient using Adobe Illustrator
8. Create cone using Adobe Illustrator
9. Add light source and surface reflections in Adobe Illustrator
Finish: Add 3D arrow depth effect using Paint Shop Pro
Terms and conditions
Wish for a new simulation and data analysis software
Spectral overlap integral page moved
News and updates
AniFit updated to version 1.3
a|e updated to 2.1
a|e updated to 2.2
a|e updated to version 1.2
a|e upgraded to 2.0
FluorFit updated to version 1.3 and is now called DecayFit
Presenting iSMS: single-molecule FRET microscopy software
Subscribe to announcements from
Welcome to the announcement page
AniFit - Anisotropy Decay Analysis
AniFit Documentation Pages
Analyse fluorescence anisotropy decays
Format input data
Load data
The G-factor
a|e - UV-Vis-IR Spectral Software
a|e Documentation Pages
a|e's Spectral Tools
Calculate Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Efficiencies
Calculate spectral overlap integral in FRET
Decompose spectra with multiple components
Fit Gaussian to spectral band
Integrate absorption and emission spectra
Quantum yields
Raman peaks in emission spectra
Scatter in UV-Vis absorption spectra
Singular value decomposition (SVD)
Calculate fluorescence quantum yield
Create synthetic spectra
Create Gaussian spectrum
UV-Vis absorption reaction curves
Custom operations: Navigating the command board of a|e
Data import and export
Download absorption and emission spectra from online database
Export figures
Export spectra to ASCII
Format input data
Import data from Origin project
Import spectra from other a|e sessions
Load absorption and emission spectra
Edit data
Duplicate dataset
Rename spectra
Edit plot
Change graph color permanently
Lock axis scales
Set axis titles
Edit spectra
Add or multiply multiple spectra
Add or multiply spectrum by a constant
Manually edit spectra
Normalize spectra
Red-shift or blue-shift spectra
Subtract background emission
Subtract baseline from absorption spectrum
Subtract or divide multiple spectra
IR spectra
Flipping between transmittance and absorbance
Label peaks in IR spectra
Navigate figure window
Tutorial video: Navigating the a|e graph window
Questions & Answers
How do I move the legend?
Open session
Save session
Visualization tools
Plot trends
DecayFit - Fluorescence Decay Analysis
DecayFit Documentation Pages
Fit fluorescence intensity decays
Fluorescence intensity decay models
Format input data
Format input data in version 1.2 and earlier
Load data
FRETmatrix - Simulation of FRET
imageA - Image Analysis Software
The fluorescence laboratory.
Experience and research interests
For Developers - Information on GUI Structures etc.
Fun with MATLAB
How to interact with Origin/OriginPro from within MATLAB
How to make your MATLAB application automatically check for updates
How to cite software from
How to turn off text zooming in Windows
Installing the software
Installing and running compiled MATLAB applications
Installing and running MATLAB Apps
Installing and running the programs in MATLAB
Troubleshooting: Common installation issues
Make a donation
Online feedback form
PhD thesis LaTeX template
Scientific poster templates
Step-by-step tutorial of an abstract scientific illustration
1. Create DNA molecular structure file using w3DNA
2. Position the dyes within the DNA molecule using Avogadro
3. Visualize the DNA + dyes using VMD
4. Render the molecule using POV-Ray
5. Add glare using Adobe Illustrator
6. Create glowing waves with arrowheads using Adobe Illustrator
7. Create 3D arrows with color gradient using Adobe Illustrator
8. Create cone using Adobe Illustrator
9. Add light source and surface reflections in Adobe Illustrator
Finish: Add 3D arrow depth effect using Paint Shop Pro
Terms and conditions
Wish for a new simulation and data analysis software
Spectral overlap integral page moved
News and updates
AniFit updated to version 1.3
a|e updated to 2.1
a|e updated to 2.2
a|e updated to version 1.2
a|e upgraded to 2.0
FluorFit updated to version 1.3 and is now called DecayFit
Presenting iSMS: single-molecule FRET microscopy software
Subscribe to announcements from
Welcome to the announcement page
AniFit - Anisotropy Decay Analysis
AniFit Documentation Pages
Analyse fluorescence anisotropy decays
Format input data
Load data
The G-factor
a|e - UV-Vis-IR Spectral Software
a|e Documentation Pages
a|e's Spectral Tools
Calculate Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Efficiencies
Calculate spectral overlap integral in FRET
Decompose spectra with multiple components
Fit Gaussian to spectral band
Integrate absorption and emission spectra
Quantum yields
Raman peaks in emission spectra
Scatter in UV-Vis absorption spectra
Singular value decomposition (SVD)
Calculate fluorescence quantum yield
Create synthetic spectra
Create Gaussian spectrum
UV-Vis absorption reaction curves
Custom operations: Navigating the command board of a|e
Data import and export
Download absorption and emission spectra from online database
Export figures
Export spectra to ASCII
Format input data
Import data from Origin project
Import spectra from other a|e sessions
Load absorption and emission spectra
Edit data
Duplicate dataset
Rename spectra
Edit plot
Change graph color permanently
Lock axis scales
Set axis titles
Edit spectra
Add or multiply multiple spectra
Add or multiply spectrum by a constant
Manually edit spectra
Normalize spectra
Red-shift or blue-shift spectra
Subtract background emission
Subtract baseline from absorption spectrum
Subtract or divide multiple spectra
IR spectra
Flipping between transmittance and absorbance
Label peaks in IR spectra
Navigate figure window
Tutorial video: Navigating the a|e graph window
Questions & Answers
How do I move the legend?
Open session
Save session
Visualization tools
Plot trends
DecayFit - Fluorescence Decay Analysis
DecayFit Documentation Pages
Fit fluorescence intensity decays
Fluorescence intensity decay models
Format input data
Format input data in version 1.2 and earlier
Load data
FRETmatrix - Simulation of FRET
imageA - Image Analysis Software
Experience and research interests
For Developers - Information on GUI Structures etc.
Fun with MATLAB
How to interact with Origin/OriginPro from within MATLAB
How to make your MATLAB application automatically check for updates
How to cite software from
How to turn off text zooming in Windows
Installing the software
Installing and running compiled MATLAB applications
Installing and running MATLAB Apps
Installing and running the programs in MATLAB
Troubleshooting: Common installation issues
Make a donation
Online feedback form
PhD thesis LaTeX template
Scientific poster templates
Step-by-step tutorial of an abstract scientific illustration
1. Create DNA molecular structure file using w3DNA
2. Position the dyes within the DNA molecule using Avogadro
3. Visualize the DNA + dyes using VMD
4. Render the molecule using POV-Ray
5. Add glare using Adobe Illustrator
6. Create glowing waves with arrowheads using Adobe Illustrator
7. Create 3D arrows with color gradient using Adobe Illustrator
8. Create cone using Adobe Illustrator
9. Add light source and surface reflections in Adobe Illustrator
Finish: Add 3D arrow depth effect using Paint Shop Pro
Terms and conditions
Wish for a new simulation and data analysis software
Spectral overlap integral page moved
News and updates
AniFit updated to version 1.3
a|e updated to 2.1
a|e updated to 2.2
a|e updated to version 1.2
a|e upgraded to 2.0
FluorFit updated to version 1.3 and is now called DecayFit
Presenting iSMS: single-molecule FRET microscopy software
Subscribe to announcements from
Welcome to the announcement page
AniFit - Anisotropy Decay Analysis
AniFit Documentation Pages
Analyse fluorescence anisotropy decays
Format input data
Load data
The G-factor
a|e - UV-Vis-IR Spectral Software
a|e Documentation Pages
a|e's Spectral Tools
Calculate Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Efficiencies
Calculate spectral overlap integral in FRET
Decompose spectra with multiple components
Fit Gaussian to spectral band
Integrate absorption and emission spectra
Quantum yields
Raman peaks in emission spectra
Scatter in UV-Vis absorption spectra
Singular value decomposition (SVD)
Calculate fluorescence quantum yield
Create synthetic spectra
Create Gaussian spectrum
UV-Vis absorption reaction curves
Custom operations: Navigating the command board of a|e
Data import and export
Download absorption and emission spectra from online database
Export figures
Export spectra to ASCII
Format input data
Import data from Origin project
Import spectra from other a|e sessions
Load absorption and emission spectra
Edit data
Duplicate dataset
Rename spectra
Edit plot
Change graph color permanently
Lock axis scales
Set axis titles
Edit spectra
Add or multiply multiple spectra
Add or multiply spectrum by a constant
Manually edit spectra
Normalize spectra
Red-shift or blue-shift spectra
Subtract background emission
Subtract baseline from absorption spectrum
Subtract or divide multiple spectra
IR spectra
Flipping between transmittance and absorbance
Label peaks in IR spectra
Navigate figure window
Tutorial video: Navigating the a|e graph window
Questions & Answers
How do I move the legend?
Open session
Save session
Visualization tools
Plot trends
DecayFit - Fluorescence Decay Analysis
DecayFit Documentation Pages
Fit fluorescence intensity decays
Fluorescence intensity decay models
Format input data
Format input data in version 1.2 and earlier
Load data
FRETmatrix - Simulation of FRET
imageA - Image Analysis Software
Create synthetic spectra
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Page details
Page updated
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